annie are you okay

Sunday, April 09, 2006

In the Rough

Put your music player on shuffle.

Press forward for each question.

Use the song title as the answer to the question.

No Cheating.

How am I feeling today?: Izzo: H.O.V.A (He who does not feel me is not real to me, therefore he doesn't POOF, Vamoose, Son of a ...)

Will I get far in life?: So Beautiful

Where will I get Married?: We're An American Band

What is the story of my life?: We Belong Together

How can I get ahead in life?: Here Without You (Oh, you know who YOU are?---definitely not part of "we" mentioned above)

What is in store for this weekend?: Talk

What song describes my parents?: Away from the Sun (sure, they don't really like the beach)

To describe my grandparents?: Goodbye My Lover (well, that's strange)

What do my friends really think of me?: Cruel

Do people secretly lust after me?: 03 Bonnie and Clyde

Will I ever have children?: Conceived

What is some good advice for me?: Nice Day

What is my signature dancing song?: Black Horse and the Cherry Tree

What type of men/women do you like?: Boston

Now next song will be the topic name you post for the bulletin

Dedication portion: This was actually really fun, even though I'm cruel....Thanks Junior!


At Sunday, April 23, 2006 10:16:00 PM, Blogger jMoney said...

no clue you liked bostonintes so much...


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